Monday, February 7, 2011

Dear Seth Macfarlane,

The other night, I was lying in bed trying to go to sleep.  My mind was racing thinking of stressful things like work and money issues, so I said to myself...think of something else!  What I came up with was...what if they made a movie about the characters from "Family Guy" meet the characters from "American Dad"?

  That would be awesome! Kinda like that old movie "The Jetsons Meets the Flintstones".

Only way more entertaining.... 
It would be totally feasible considering they're made by the same guy.  So while lying in the dark staring at my ceiling, I came up with  some interactions between the characters (any or all of these could be used as plot points in the movie).

  • Peter and Stan probably wouldn't get along well; they're complete opposites (plus Stan hates fatties)
  • Steve would go ga-ga over Lois
  • Hailey and Meg would be bff if only because Hailey's a pothead and its been hinted in more than one episode that Meg hits the bowl as well.  Maybe it can even escalate into a romantic relationships. Hell, Meg's been a lesbian once already! XD
  • Stewie, being the sly little devil he is, discovers that the Smith family is hiding Rodger.  So they put their brains together to devise a plan to take over the world, which would fail because Rodger gets distracted and/or drunk 
  • Briann and Klaus - no-brainer.  They're both talking animals with dizzying intellects.  
  • Who did I miss? Ah Chris...well usually when an episode doesn't center around Chris, he just pops in and out with random spouts of wisdom or something completely retarded. So he can just do that. 
Another question to consider would be how do the two families meet?  The Griffins live in Rhode Island and the Smiths in Virginia.   That's pretty simple...the Griffins go on a road trip to Washington DC.  *BAM* Done!  BTW, Washington DC is pretty cool if you're never been there.  The museums have some pretty cool shit, and they have a zoo and botanical gardens for nature lovers like me :)

Anyway, that's the extent  of what I came up with.  I think I either fell asleep or started thinking about other random shit like what would I do if a zombie apocalypse broke out right now?  Now I'm hungry and the music here at Starbucks is making me want to stab my ears.

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